Refresh Your Kitchen with a Make-Over
Thekitchen is often the busiest room in the home. Meals are prepared and eveneaten here. The enticing smell of cooking food will draw in family and friendsfor a drink and chat long before the fo...
Thekitchen is often the busiest room in the home. Meals are prepared and eveneaten here. The enticing smell of cooking food will draw in family and friendsfor a drink and chat long before the food is done. Keeping your kitchen freshand inviting will make this room an area thats functional as both a workspaceand a gathering place. Your kitchen cabinets make a monumental impact on theoverall look of the room. If youre going to update only one feature, thecabinets are a powerful starting point that can change the look and feel of theentire room.Related
After youve chosen the main part of the base unit, you will need to choosekitchen doors for the cabinets. The kitchen doors are like the icing on thecake that really influence how the cabinets look and feel. In fact, you canoften update the look of the whole room simply by choosing replacement kitchendoors for your existing units. As long as the base is painted or stained tomatch the new doors, the entire cabinet will look like new.
Kitchen doors range from simple and sleek to ornately carved. If you havepatterns and other decorative features elsewhere in the room, a basic cabinetdoor will provide a subtle base. For a more intricate design, try doors withdecorative features. You can even update a plain door yourself by painting theinset in a contrasting colour or adding a stencil to the door. Handles, knobsand pulls in fun colours and shapes will add to your kitchens makeover aswell. Use colours and designs that feel cheerful and welcoming, such as yellow,red and blue. With a bit of a make-over to your cabinets and doors you willsoon have a kitchen youre excited to go and cook in.

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