Stickers for the Wall - This Means War!
My so called friend has trumped me once again. If the copying is unbearable then the fact that she ends up with better results makes me want to scream. Weve been playing a corrosive game of one-upmanship using interior design as an instrument of war.
And what have we been using asammunition? Stickers for the wall she calls them, why cant she just say wallstickers? That alone makes me grind my teeth.
Another thing that makes steam come out of my ears is thefact that I found them first! I was trawling the internet, as you do, lookingfor some way of brightening up the stairs when I came upon a company doingthese wonder products. They seemed just the thing and I immediately sent offfor a wall sticker of some dandelion down to float up the stairs. It lookedbrilliant and my friend was gratifyingly jealous. I then put an open windowsticker at the end of the landing and thought I was the cutting edgepersonified. Marvellous!
Imagine my horror when next I visited my friend to borrowsome sage only to discover plastered across her sitting room wall a flippinggreat charcoal grey Zebra. Sounds stupid? Youd think so wouldnt you, but itisnt, it looks brilliant. I could spit. Obviously I had to also endure herinfuriating blas manner along with her triumphant interior designing andstalked off home to plot my next move.
I thought I had her when I applied my next wall sticker. Ifshes going animals then Im going animals I said out loud to no one and tothat end I ordered a bright pink stags head and stuck it over my sitting roomfireplace. Fantastic. My friend complimented me on my daring and style and Ithink she even meant it. The stag gazed impassively down on us and ourdeteriorating friendship and I hoped that would be an end to it.
But no, and this is where we came in because my so-calledfriend has taken wall stickers and run with them and in so doing has created averitable Eden inside her home. From the front door back and all the way to thetop of the stairs is an unbroken pale grey forest of trees with contrastingpink and turquoise birds some big, some small, creating an illusion of depthand perspective that truly makes your head spin. It is possibly the mostfantastic thing Ive ever seen and I sincerely hope my friend comes to a stickyend in the very near future. Stickers for the wall have beaten me and I wantnothing further to do with them.
Textiles anyone?

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