How to Declutter your Kitchen
If your kitchen and breakfast nook/eating area are a mess but you are lost as to how to declutter your kitchen, the task will not be as wearing as you may think. Keeping focused and allowing yourself enough time to start and complete your decluttering task all at once is the best chance you have to get organized and stay that way.
Instead of looking at the kitchen and everything that has to be done to declutter it and get it organized, assign yourself small tasks to do. When you are done with that task, move on to another. Organizing in this fashion will keep you from leaving on task before it is finished. Start with your cupboards. Go through this area and match up every plastic bowl with its matching lid. Any extras that you find without a partner toss them or give them away. Stacking these pieces one on top of the other will help your cupboard appear less cluttered. Do the same thing with your drawers. If you have 5 spatulas, decide on your best 2 and donate the other 3 to charity. The likelihood that you will use all of your utensils at one time is very slim and you will feel good that you have made a donation to a much needed cause. Once you have organized your drawers, move onto the countertops. A clutter-free kitchen is a cooks dream. Eliminating excess items such as electronic appliances (blenders, toasters, etc.) as well as assorted knick knacks will give your kitchen a larger look. Eliminating magnets, pictures and paperwork from your refrigerator will also give your kitchen a clean and defined look.
Moving on to the breakfast nook areamost likely you have half of the table covered with homework or half-read newspapers with very little space to sit down as a family and share a meal. Make a rule with yourself: Read your newspaper all at once and then recycle it as soon as you are finished. The same goes with your kids homework. When they are finished with their work, have them place it back in their backpacks and put their backpacks away until school the next day. By doing these simple tasks, this is how to declutter a messy and unorganized kitchen.

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