Home Interior Design Options: Small, Medium and Large Floor Pillows
Large floor pillows have long been usedas a functional and decorative piece in homes for centuries. They arepopular in Algerian, Korean, Japanese, Indian, Egyptian and ...
Large floor pillows have long been usedas a functional and decorative piece in homes for centuries. They arepopular in Algerian, Korean, Japanese, Indian, Egyptian and Moroccancultures and have now crossed over to other countries. This comes asno surprise since they are beautiful and useful. And you can alwayscount on them to elevate the appearance of any home or office space,as well as make it more comfortable.
Unlike what most people believe, you donot need your home to have an oriental motif in order to put largefloor pillows to good use. You can put a western twist to it so thatit can identify with and complement European and American aesthetics.You could start with the coverings you dress them with or the waythey are arranged in their home. You could also experiment with thecolors so they dont overwhelm the surrounding furnishings. Andmaybe incorporate unifying elements to different design themes sothat they still some cohesion even though they are unique from eachother.
Take for example, in the dining room,you could have a minimalist, low-lying dining table made of glass andsteel set up on top of a black and white area rug and then surroundit with golden floor pillows for that futuristic look with atraditional Japanese feel. With this particular home interior design,you will have no problem incorporating crystal chandeliers, metalornaments as well as modern abstract pieces. In the den, you couldpick large floor pillows with funky patterns and textures; pile themup in the middle, in front of the television set, and then have amural hung on the background or a carpet underneath that has all ofthe colors used represented.
Of course, you can also opt for theconventional feel and have the room or house you own completelydecorated in Japanese or Moroccan furnishings. There are a number ofshops you can find in your locality or on the web that sells flat,comfy zabutons or zafu (traditional Japanese floor pillows) or roundfluffy Moroccan floor pillows. You have to be conscious though abouthow their innate structures and designs will match the environmentthey will be placed in. See, typical Japanese floor pillows aresimple and bit drab colored while leather-made Moroccan versions aremore exotic and a bit overbearing. The same goes of Indian sari floorpillows as most of them are embellished with beads and tapestries.
There are shops online that you canalso approach for custom made floor pillows, so you not only getexactly what you want but have complete control over the quality,quantity and appearance of each piece. You could have one made in theshape of a certain character with the accent of an old-fashionedOriental pillow. Or you could have one made that could accommodatemore than one person sleeping. You can also designate whether thesepillows will have cotton, polyester, feather or foam fillings.Whatever you go with, you are definitely guaranteed a unique andtherapeutic experience when you provide your home floor pillowfixtures.

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