Five Trending Ideas For Designing Your Kitchen

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KitchenDesigning trends keep changingwith time. Therefore it is best to be aware of the latest trends inorder to optimize the space and functionality of your kitchen to themaximum level.

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Given that the kitchen is animportant part of the house, it is extremely important to design andplan its layout according to the specific needs of the occupants ofthe house. Effective layouts and kitchen designing methods will helpto optimize the space that is available and improve itsfunctionality, as well as storage capacity. In this article, I willtalk of the five kitchen designing trends that seem to be gainingpopularity.

SayGoodbye To Cherry Cabinets

The use of cherry woodcabinets have been on a steady decline for the past few years.Paneled and dark color palettes are giving way to lighter andbrighter shades that help to create a sense of space and give thekitchen a lighter tone. Designers are once again using oak and otherlesser-used wood types such as birch and walnut. Given that"green-designs" have become the new industry standard, theuse of ecologically friendly materials such as bamboo is also gainingpredominance.

The latest color panelsinclude shades of white, cream and beige. Lemon yellows and shades ofgreen are also much in vogue. The intention of designers is to createa feeling of freshness and brightness in the kitchen. Often, pottedplants are kept in the kitchen to create a natural glow. Mirrors arealso placed in positions diagonally opposite to the window so thatlight is reflected and the kitchen looks bright. The recent designingtrends harp on cabinetry details being simplified and streamlined, asmaterials are pared-down and the colors being used are brighter andlighter in tone.


Designers claim that acollected, eclectic look is the raging designing trend. People want avariety of finishes in their kitchen which include marble, stainlesssteel, tinted glass and leather backs. Here is a simple example.Austere palettes of beige, or high-gloss white cabinets accompaniedby stainless steel appliances, black counter-tops with a"leather-finish" and eating areas or kitchen islands madeof natural wood create a look that is warm and welcoming rather thanmodern, sleek and impersonal.

While stainless steelcontinues to be in demand, polished chrome is also gainingpopularity. Another trend that is much in vogue is the use offinished wood cabinet surfaces juxtaposed with painted kitchenislands. Using a variety of finishes allows home owners to renovatetheir kitchens slowly over a long period rather than making drasticovernight changes.


Decorating magazines areoften filled with pictures of kitchens that use white subway tiles asthe choicest back-splash. Other than white, house owners are alsoshowing their interest in other exotic and colorful back-splashfinishes. Designers state that glass and other unusual back-splashesare gaining predominance over ceramic and porcelain tiles. Homeownershave become bold and expressive about their choices and even chosebrick and stainless steel as back-splashes. Apart from the fact thatdecorative back-splashes allow home owners to express theirpersonalities and tastes, they are also easier to maintain comparedto boldly painted kitchen cabinet doors.

New Neutrals

Off-whites and whitescontinue to dominate the kitchen palette. The use of other neutralshades like grays and greens have also increased rapidly. Theseneutral backgrounds create a sense of calm. Opting for such neutralshades also give users the space and freedom to choose vibrantcontrasts, a choice that would have been severely curtailed by theuse of dark shades for kitchen cabinets.

PatternsAnd Color Pops

Muted shades allow theincorporation of bright colors and pops of color as effectivecontrasts. Accessories like cushions and napkins, or vibrantlycolored appliances bring in a welcome change.

Wallpapers are also much indemand. They can be placed in the eating area to brighten the entirelook of a kitchen in muted shades. They can also be used to decoratethe inner walls of cabinets and kitchen islands. However, it is bestnot to use them as back-splash, or in areas of high humidity, likethose aligning the stove or chimney.

The dominating trend now isto keep things minimal. Therefore muted shades played out withcolorful contrasting patterns create a sense of cleanliness, vibrancyand space, apart from giving home owners a chance to incorporatetheir own individual styles into it.

Article Tags: Stainless Steel, Kitchen Islands, Home Owners, Muted Shades

Five Trending Ideas For Designing Your Kitchen
Five Trending Ideas For Designing Your Kitchen
Five Trending Ideas For Designing Your Kitchen
Five Trending Ideas For Designing Your Kitchen
Five Trending Ideas For Designing Your Kitchen
Five Trending Ideas For Designing Your Kitchen
Five Trending Ideas For Designing Your Kitchen
Five Trending Ideas For Designing Your Kitchen
Five Trending Ideas For Designing Your Kitchen
Five Trending Ideas For Designing Your Kitchen

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