Enlightened Kitchen Backsplash Ideas
Using the right kitchen backsplash thats suited to the kitchen will transport you across worlds and influence your taste for life and cooking like never before.
When it comes to popularity its hard to say which material is more popular than the other because everyones kitchen design and layout differs so its hard to nail it down to one particular thing. Glass has become popular because its easy to clean but so has granite due to its indestructible nature. If you had a bomb go off in your kitchen your granite backsplash is probably the only thing that would remain standing.
Some common and popular kitchen backsplash tile ideas would include the following:
Glass tile backsplash Increasingly popular because of its extremely versatile availability and of course being easy to clean. Glass can be shaped into anything and also made into any colour you desire so the options open to you are limitless. Best of all its cheap and looks great. Glass variations available include glass mosaic, single sheets, stained or etched glass, painted and of course glass cubes.
Ceramic tile backsplash Known for their durability and unique look and style these tiles transform a dull kitchen into themes from other countries like India or the orient. Their popularity stems from the fact that the individual tiles are available in many different designs and colours which makes them versatile in any setting.
Stainless steel backsplash As the name says. Basically its a clean cut of stainless steel carefully mounted on the back wall. Its easy to clean, no grout, and come quite cheap.
Granite tile backsplash Known for its strong durability makes this highly popular. These compliment granite tabletops completely and boasts being stain resistant due too its non porous nature. A truly unique and stunning backsplash for kitchen walls.
Stone tile backsplash Almost similar to granite in strength but not completely. Available in marble, rock or limestone make these an ideal compliment to matching marble flooring or countertops. The strained effect is highly popular with wealthy individuals and ensures your kitchen does not lose its value over time.
Important points to keep in mind here are that you should never install a kitchen backsplash tile that doesnt match the countertops. Doing so will result in an undesired aesthetic look. The idea for your kitchen backsplash is for it not to compete with the colours around it. Ideally its purpose is to look good and create a sense of harmony without clashing with any other colours in your kitchen.


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