Scientists Saved by Wallpaper Mural

Life can be pretty tough on these research stations. Plentyof times you dont go outside for weeks on end and that can do something to aman. Were not allowed alcohol anymore, not since Crazy Al p...

Life can be pretty tough on these research stations. Plentyof times you dont go outside for weeks on end and that can do something to aman. Were not allowed alcohol anymore, not since Crazy Al pulled his own noseoff and so we have to find other ways to stop ourselves coming apart whenoutside its forty below and morning isnt due until May. It was on the last ofthese epic assignments when I hit upon the idea of brightening up the station recroom with a wallpaper mural.

Sure, the other guys thought maybe it wasnt exactly, shallwe say, very masculine to cover the whole south wall with an oversized cherry treebranch covered with pink blossom against an azure sky, but after two months oflooking at the undigested food in Dave Owskikowskis beard as he told us thatgreat story about the seal for the sixteenth time, I didnt care if it wasmasculine, feminine or anyhoo which-a-ways.

The agency was a little reluctant to spring for eight rollsof bespoke digitally printed non-repeating patterned paper and suggested maybea nice picture of a momma polar bear and cubs going through some trash instead,but even they could see that in the long term it was gonna be a whole lotcheaper than replacing some very expensive satellite phones thrown with all mymight at the supply helicopter.

The effect on our lonely life here at Snow Station Tapir hasbeen dramatic. Dave shaved for one thing, the chinese guy stopped crying allthe time and Buzz Collins now only rocks backwards and forwards on his haunchesif you forget to give him the blue mug. On Thursdays we dress for dinner (seal)and on Saturday afternoons after weve taken the ice measurements (yup, stillthere) we play deck quoits in Maintenance Bay D.


We were recently paid a visit by our Norwegian counterparts whoevidently wanted to make sure it was really reallycold where we were too. They were obviously looking for an excuse to get out oftheir drab collection of huts for just a little while and it was trulygratifying to see their little Norse faces light up when they saw our cherryblossom wallpaper mural not a few tears were shed in delight at this littleglimpse of spring and warmth when surrounded by so much frigid death. I wasvery happy to point them in the direction of the online webstore I had gottenours from and we all sat down to a hearty meal of something that wasnt seal.

Scientists Saved by Wallpaper Mural
Scientists Saved by Wallpaper Mural
Scientists Saved by Wallpaper Mural
Scientists Saved by Wallpaper Mural
Scientists Saved by Wallpaper Mural
Scientists Saved by Wallpaper Mural
Scientists Saved by Wallpaper Mural
Scientists Saved by Wallpaper Mural
Scientists Saved by Wallpaper Mural
Scientists Saved by Wallpaper Mural

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