Commercial kitchen equipment segment never gets its due

Restaurant business is a great employment generator. We came across this slide in one of a noted conference on restaurants. The details astounded Customized Kitchen India (CKI). At the same time, there were questions as well. After all when somebody hears that the restaurant industry employs 1.5 times more employee than the IT–BPO industry in India, it is bound to raise the curiosity quotient. On the other hand, it is estimated that the restaurant industry would indirectly employ 18 million by 2021, which will be more than the population of Sri Lanka. Amazing!

Yet, there is a sense of want for the recognition of the kitchen equipment segment which contribute substantially to not only to the business of restaurant industry but also help generate employment at a level that go unnoticed.

There are many domestic players in India like CKI who are making inroads in providing quality commercial kitchen equipment for the hospitality industry, hospitals, industrial canteens, corporate office cafeterias, etc. They are also creating opportunities for unskilled labors who tend to find employment in the warehouses and factories where kitchen equipment are manufactured. In fact, they are given ample training to help them sustain not only the job, but an assurance of livelihood and better remuneration prospects.

Then why do the commercial equipment manufacturers are not recognized as much as people who are running restaurants? We are yet to come across an acceptable logical answer. However, of late, there has been a rise in the number of exhibitions and awards that are recognizing our contribution to the larger cause of not only many industries but also toward our society.

CKI is happy to note that it is recognized for its good deeds and the progress it has achieved in this segment within a short span of three years. We hope to continue doing good for the larger good of the society. We even won an award! A recognition that we earned. Watch out this space for more details on that.

Commercial kitchen equipment segment never gets its due
Commercial kitchen equipment segment never gets its due
Commercial kitchen equipment segment never gets its due
Commercial kitchen equipment segment never gets its due
Commercial kitchen equipment segment never gets its due
Commercial kitchen equipment segment never gets its due
Commercial kitchen equipment segment never gets its due
Commercial kitchen equipment segment never gets its due
Commercial kitchen equipment segment never gets its due
Commercial kitchen equipment segment never gets its due

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