Cleaning Air System of Commercial Kitchen

A kitchen exhaust fan is a requirement equally for residential and commercial cooking that is done on a large scale. The wide range of advantages it offers makes it mandatory for all kinds of kitchens. Nevertheless it is imperative to know the working of a kitchen exhaust to derive full benefits and maintain the appliance for a long period of time.

Hood cleaning is most probably the single most significantmaintenance job needed to ensure safety in a commercial kitchen. In absence ofregular cleaning the flash grease fires ignite easily, which can have dreadfulresults. Dirt, grease, and grime build up over time, and if not cleanedproperly even the authorities can close down your commercial premises. Thus, a commercialkitchen exhaust air system needs regular cleaning.

Thearea of a kitchen that becomes grimy and polluted very fast is the area abovethe cookers where the air and fumes are ventilated to the outside through anextract canopy that contains grease filters to capture oil and grease given offin the cooking process as well as fans to force the air circulation to theoutside of the building through an extract duct.


Infact the cleaning frequency depends upon the size of the organization orrestaurant. If it is a steak house it will generate a lot of greasy smoke andneeds cleaning mostly once a month. Some of the restaurants might need to becleaned quarterly. All depends on the cooking and how much cooking takes placedaily. But simplest way to know is if the surface or component looks dirty,then it needs cleaning. The frequency of hood cleaning depends on the volume ofgreasy smoke that the kitchen normally generates.

Listedbelow are problems created by unclean exhaust fans utilized commercially:

  • Most dangerous and common problem faced by unclean kitchen exhaust hood is extreme fire hazard, statistics show that most of the fire accidents in the kitchens are caused by dirty or clogged up exhaust hoods.
  • A dirty exhaust hood can pose a health problem for employees. A poorly functioning system does not clean the air, and kitchen workers are breathing polluted air, which is full of grease, dirt, and fumes.
  • The customers and neighboring residents might be breathing the same polluted air.
  • The air that is stale smelling might discourage the customers if it floats into the dining rooms.

Thebest way to know when exhaust hoods need cleaning besides scheduling routinehood cleaning is to ensure the job to a professional hood cleaner to do it.Professional cleaning companies might charge you money but it is well worth thesafety and well-being of yourself, your business, employees, and customers.Please visit more information.

Cleaning Air System of Commercial Kitchen
Cleaning Air System of Commercial Kitchen
Cleaning Air System of Commercial Kitchen
Cleaning Air System of Commercial Kitchen
Cleaning Air System of Commercial Kitchen
Cleaning Air System of Commercial Kitchen
Cleaning Air System of Commercial Kitchen
Cleaning Air System of Commercial Kitchen
Cleaning Air System of Commercial Kitchen
Cleaning Air System of Commercial Kitchen

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