Interior Cleaning - The Tips That Can Change Your Life

If you really want interior cleaning that will maximize efficiency, you should consider hiring a professional service. If you have chosen to eschew a service in favor of doing it all yourself, you'll need some tips to make things easier.

If you really want interior cleaning that is going to maximize efficiency, save you time and energy, and make your life a lot easier, you should consider hiring a professional service. Even if you only have them come in once a week (or even once a month), it can make a big difference in terms of how much effort you have to put in to keeping your house tidy. Even if you've decided to hire a part-time service, however, you'll still be possessed by the urge to clean up a bit once in a while. If you've chosen to eschew a service in favor of doing it all yourself, you'll likewise need some tips to make things easier. Here are some tips that can do just that.

No Paper Towels

Everyone's first inclination when cleaning windows and other glass surfaces in their home is to grab a roll of paper towels, the Windex, and go to town. This is not typically the best way to go about it. You won't find many professional interior cleaning services using paper towels to do the job. Why? Paper towels can get expensive, for one thing. More importantly, they simply don't do a great job. They tend to leave streaks (which most people then proceed to blame on the glass cleaner), and they almost always leave bits of fiber behind. A far better solution is to invest in some microfiber cloth and use that as your primary tool. You'll save money and leave results that are much improved.

Throw Out Your Broom

If you're accustomed to spending an hour every Saturday sweeping leaves out of your garage, you really could be speeding up the process by using a leaf blower. You wouldn't sweep your driveway (would you?), so why not bring that technology into your garage and save some valuable time? Interior cleaning services maximize their efficiency by using a combination of the most effective methods and the ones that save the most time. Using a leaf blower to get rid of leaves in the garage meets both of these expectations. Just make sure you weigh down any papers or important materials that could go flying in the wind!

Using Tape and Other Sticky Surfaces

Do you dread taking the vacuum attachment to the couch in an attempt to get rid of all the dog hair? No one enjoys this process, precisely because it works so poorly. There are better methods, and using duct tape is a popular one. Simply put the sticky strip of tape on an area of the couch that needs de-furring and quickly remove it. If this seems a bit time consuming, you can look into specialty products that do the same thing. They are often more effective and certainly easier to use.

Article Tags: Interior Cleaning, Paper Towels

Interior Cleaning - The Tips That Can Change Your Life
Interior Cleaning - The Tips That Can Change Your Life
Interior Cleaning - The Tips That Can Change Your Life
Interior Cleaning - The Tips That Can Change Your Life
Interior Cleaning - The Tips That Can Change Your Life
Interior Cleaning - The Tips That Can Change Your Life
Interior Cleaning - The Tips That Can Change Your Life
Interior Cleaning - The Tips That Can Change Your Life
Interior Cleaning - The Tips That Can Change Your Life
Interior Cleaning - The Tips That Can Change Your Life

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