Why a Roofing Contractor is More Valuable than a Kitchen Designer

Most people cant wait to renovate their kitchen, but if you want your home to last for years and eventually sell to a buyer, its better to talk with a roofing contractor first. While not as exciting as remodelling the inside of your house, its a wiser investment.

Before you start renovating your living room or gutting your kitchen, you should contact a roofing contractor. Compared with other home improvements, your roof is a bigger selling point because it is essential and provides protection. A damaged roof can leak, create mold, and be expensive to replace, so many potential sellers will pass on their dream home if they have to rip half of it off and start again. A buyer would much rather invest in a solid structure without the marble countertops than deal with a disaster of a roof. This is especially true for property located in areas prone to natural disasters where insurance rates may already be sky high.

So why is hiring a roofing contractor more important than tiling your shower? You dont want all of your future home improvement projects to go to waste. There isnt much point to a state-of-the-art kitchen if the walls become attacked by mold. Unless your roof is already outfitted with a particularly sturdy material such as slate or ceramic tile, there is a high likelihood that is will need replacement if not repair. The life of roof materials varies greatly, but generally ranges from thirty years to one hundred. Extreme climates can easily make damage and decrease its longevity. Hail, hurricanes, regular thunderstorms, landslides, or earthquakes can all knock loosen tiles or even knock large holes into the surface.

In addition to repair and maintenance, you may consider replacing your roof for something more modern and attractive. Many older homes have unsightly asphalt or wooden shingles that have become dry or rotted. Longer lasting material is more popular and modern designs are much more appealing to buyers. Aluminium and composite materials are currently considered some of the most popular and value increasing among many roofing contractors. They can be customized much more easily to blend in with the faade of the property. Tiles, such as ceramic, are very durable and can be repaired with ease.

If you really want to see your homes value soar, invest in eco-friendly solar panels. A roofing contractor can install these on your roof and will help cut down on energy bills. They require little maintenance and the solar cells should last a lifetime barring any unusual damage. Even homes located in gloomier climates that receive little sunshine can absorb enough power to make a sizeable dent in utility usage. In addition to reducing your monthly costs, there are many government rebates and tax incentives for people who make green improvements on their homes. So while you may have to spend some money on installation, after a few years you will see a huge savings. If youre really ambitious, there are do-it-yourself kits available that can further reduce your costs.

The cost of replacement of a roof can vary greatly. In addition paying for the materials and installation fees, there will also be fees to remove the previous roof as well as dispose of the waste. Prices for smaller homes with simple roofs can start at $5,000.
Why a Roofing Contractor is More Valuable than a Kitchen Designer
Why a Roofing Contractor is More Valuable than a Kitchen Designer
Why a Roofing Contractor is More Valuable than a Kitchen Designer
Why a Roofing Contractor is More Valuable than a Kitchen Designer
Why a Roofing Contractor is More Valuable than a Kitchen Designer
Why a Roofing Contractor is More Valuable than a Kitchen Designer
Why a Roofing Contractor is More Valuable than a Kitchen Designer
Why a Roofing Contractor is More Valuable than a Kitchen Designer
Why a Roofing Contractor is More Valuable than a Kitchen Designer
Why a Roofing Contractor is More Valuable than a Kitchen Designer

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