Best Solution of Pest Control: Kitchen and Home Fruitfly Solved

If you have a constant fruit fly problem, a little bit of effort will go a long way to getting rid of the fruit flies. By removing any trace of detectable food sources from the fruit flies, they'll be compelled to visit somewhere else.

Fruit flies can cause much frustration, especially if you thought you got rid of them, only to find them appearing again and infesting places like your kitchen. Once they settle in, these uninvited guests knows how to overstay their welcome. Winning the battle against fruit flies requires patience and persistence.

You would be surprised where food bits can accumulate in a kitchen. If you have a particularly stubborn fruit fly infestation, it may take some elbow grease to eliminate all their food sources. How about the lip of your kitchen sink, could there be food bits underneath it? Clean the burner drip pans and lift the stove top, if possible, to remove spilled food. Juice spills can leave sticky spots under the refrigerator.

You need to be thorough in eliminating all the potential breeding sites in your home.

Fruit flies typically gather where there is a high level of bacteria and especially when there is a sugary substance that can be used both for feeding themselves and their young. Fruit flies often start appearing if you fail to clean up properly after meals (such as scraping and rinsing your dishes) or even if you have the habit of leaving wet towels and clothing lying crumpled in the corners of your house for days. Both of these attract bacteria, which in turn attract fruit flies which can make fruit fly control very difficult and can potentially make your fruit fly extermination campaign very long and tiresome. So make sure that you clean up after you enjoy a tasty meal and keep your things dry, especially during the rainy or humid seasons or you will have to get a home pest inspection if things get too bad.

Basic Things to Do:

Clean your vegetables at a makeshift cleaning station outside of your home. Leave the old bags outdoors and place vegetables in a new container or bag before bringing them into your home. It's also best to place the vegetables in the refrigerator after cleaning them again in the house sink.

Do not toss food garbage into wastepaper baskets.

Cover your fruit bowl or store fruit in the refrigerator. Raisins, dates and prunes are favorite attractants.

Use or discard all overripe fruit. Rotting fruit left out in bowls and containers is an invitation to breed fruit flies.

Clean opened containers of fruit juice, fermented or vinegar products. This includes ketchup, saccharin sauce or cooking wine. Seal well and keep them in the refrigerator if possible. Flies love such items.

Don't keep any vegetable or meat scraps in the garbage can inside your home. Place your vegetable scraps in a bag or freezer bag and put them in the freezer right away. You should either make soup out of them, put them in a compost pile away from your home and cover with leaves or dirt, or you can keep them sealed frozen and throw them away in an outside garbage can on the day of removal.


Build your own fruit fly trap is fairly easy, all it takes is some time and effort to make them yourself and it does a very good job to exterminate fruit flies. Another great thing is that they are really cheap to make and you can have a couple in your kitchen or wherever your fruit fly problem is within about 30 minutes.

Remember that although that trap for fruit flies works amazingly well, just remember that you still need to be proactive with your cleaning up after yourself and taking basic steps to ensure that you don't leave things around that attract these bugs

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Article Tags: Pest Control, Fruit Flies

Best Solution of Pest Control: Kitchen and Home Fruitfly Solved
Best Solution of Pest Control: Kitchen and Home Fruitfly Solved
Best Solution of Pest Control: Kitchen and Home Fruitfly Solved
Best Solution of Pest Control: Kitchen and Home Fruitfly Solved
Best Solution of Pest Control: Kitchen and Home Fruitfly Solved
Best Solution of Pest Control: Kitchen and Home Fruitfly Solved
Best Solution of Pest Control: Kitchen and Home Fruitfly Solved
Best Solution of Pest Control: Kitchen and Home Fruitfly Solved
Best Solution of Pest Control: Kitchen and Home Fruitfly Solved
Best Solution of Pest Control: Kitchen and Home Fruitfly Solved

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