Natural Way of Protecting and Doing Kitchen Pest Control
They say that the kitchen is the heart of the home. The aroma of delicious food being prepared or the growling of an empty stomach brings families and friends together to this one spot.Just like the children that may sneakily search through the cupboards and pantry, all pests are looking for the same thing a tasty treat. The key is to not let them find anything. Kitchen cleanliness is very important.
The kitchen is prime living space! Unfortunately, your family and friends are not the only ones attracted by the enticing features found in the kitchen. You might not want to consider it, but your kitchen is prime living space as well for many a foraging rodent or other creepy-crawling critters. Whether your kitchen is old or newly remodeled, a pest control plan needs to be implemented. Take the time to find out what you can do to keep your kitchen free of any pesky, unwanted guests.
There is a common concern as to which pest control products are safe to use in a kitchen setting. Yes, the at-home mixture of dish soap and water will kill bugs that you spray it on, but that will not get rid of the source of your problem. Generally, problems with cockroaches or ants are best resolved using baits. They can be placed in the back of cupboards or underneath appliances without affecting you or your food. Baits function well in killing entire colonies or swarms instead of individual insects. Especially if they are living in the walls. Perimeter sprays work well for pest control as long as they are a long-lasting residual. An excellent product that kills just about all creeping insects, lasts three months, leaves no residue or stains, is Talstar One. It is labeled for use in food-handling areas and is safe for people and pets once dry. Its effectiveness is professional grade and is highly recommended as a general insecticide. If you are a seeker of all-natural pesticides, try using diatomaceous earth in cracks, crevices, and corners of your kitchen. It also is very safe to use around people and pets.
Keep a clean kitchen
Ants, cockroaches and pantry moths (weevils) gather in the kitchen because it's warm and has a plentiful food supply, but this is the last place you'd want to use pesticides containing toxic chemicals. Natural alternatives are just as effective and better value too. Always try the least toxic treatments first.
Commonsense is the first line of attack in keeping pests at bay. They can't have a party if there's nothing to eat.
Keep kitchen benches spotless and train the family to clean up after themselves.
Transfer everything in the pantry into pest-proof storage containers. Weevils often come home with you from the shops, and leaving unopened packets around not only provides food for the weevils already in your kitchen, but possibly introduces more to your cupboards.
Keep an eye on use-by dates and use your groceries in date order. Avoid buying too much and doubling up on items you rarely use.
Wipe up shelf spills and regularly clean cupboards, washing them out with detergent. Add a few drops of pest-repelling oil of cloves to the washing water.
Even if you find just one weevil egg or grub in a product, throw the whole thing out. (Flours and grains can be composted.)
To deter weevils, scatter bay leaves or cloves on cupboard shelves and tape them inside container lids.
You do not need to worry though if you take the time to make your kitchen undesirable and out-of-reach to those unwanted guests. Your kitchen can be pest-free!
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