Kitchen Cabinet Plans - DIY Kitchen Cabinets
If you are like me, you are probably thinking that you need more than kitchen cabinet plans and that you must be a pro to build kitchen cabinet. That is what I thaught too. I was a little intimidated by the idea, but I realised that I was wrong and it was not that complicated.
Kitchen cabinet plans made it possible for us todo all our kitchen cabinets ourselves. We never taught we couldactually do them so nicely. Last year my wife and I decide that it wastime to give our kitchen a new look. We did quite a bit of remodelingin our house but the kitchen remained undone. We have done all the workourselves but we were not sure if doing the kitchen cabinets would be agood idea.
Are manufactured cabinets really better?
Ourproject was to put new floor covering ourselves, to do the counter topand the back splash with tiles and to buy cabinets already made becauseit seemed difficult to do. So we started by shopping around for kitchencabinets. We didn't like what we found. Not only the price of thecabinets we liked was outrageous but the quality did not justify suchhigh cost.
A lot of cabinets made in factory are simply stapled andglued and we were concerned about how long they would keep lookinggood, because it is a big investment. It was also difficult to find theexact shade we needed to fit with our kitchen furniture.
Beside theinstallation cost knock me right off. So we moved to the lumberdepartment and took notes of the price of wood, I mean real nice hardwood like oak and maple, that we could dye the shade we want.
Should you do them yourself?
Wewent back home realising that kitchen cabinets are not that hard tomake. What if we could make a few cabinets every week-end, how muchcould we save? We want to figure it out.
I went online to thewoodworking plans program I have purchased last year for less than whatit cost to fill up my gas thank. I realised that, out of thousands ofplans, several blueprints for kitchen cabinets were there. I was ableto print our ten different designs in no time. It took us a lot longerto decide witch one to pick and with what kind of wood to do them, butfinally we agreed on a great combination.
After carefully measuring ourkitchen, the plans allowed us to calculate how much wood to get. Wewere amazed to see that doing our cabinets would cost us only one fifthof the price in stores, and that is including all the hardware and theexpensive door handles my wife really wanted.
Building the cabinets was fun!
Westarted redoing our cabinets one section at a time so the kitchen couldstill be functioning. We did a small section first and by following theplans it was a lot easier that we taught.
We were intimidated at firstby this project simply because we never done it before. Cabinets areonly boxes with a door on the front. The design we pick for the doorswas easy to make and we would never had found anything like it in astore because we actually invented it.
It is nice to follow kitchencabinet plans and add our personal creativity to the finishing part. Intree weeks, all our cabinets were done at a fraction of the cost of newones.
Article Tags: Kitchen Cabinet Plans, Kitchen Cabinet, Cabinet Plans, Kitchen Cabinets

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