Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen

Stuffy nose is a condition in which the nasal passage is blocked and you are unable to breathe properly. The major causes of stuffy nose are flu, sinus infection, swine flu, allergy, common cold, German measles, cluster headaches, whooping cough and bronchiolitis.

Stuffy nose is related with the condition in which the nasal passage is blocked and you are unable to breathe properly. This condition disturbs the sufferer too much as it is associated with lots of discomfort. In this condition even you are not in a position to smell properly and mouth gradually goes on drying causing lots of discomfort to the patients. Some people get affected due to this problem every now and then and they remain in the condition of discomfort always. There are some nasal sprays and different home remedies for stuffy nose which may provide you relief if followed regularly. If this problem is not treated properly with home remedies then it may affect your lungs, ears etc causing more discomfort.

Some of the different causes of stuffy nose are flu, sinus infection, swine flu, allergy, common cold, German measles, cluster headaches, whooping cough, bronchiolitis and some other.


You should treat this problem easily by natural remedies. These natural remedies for stuffy nose will definitely provide you some relief. These home remedies are given below:

1. Reduce the intake of dairy and wheat products as it will help you to reduce the stuffiness in your nose. But it is necessary to increase the intake of Vitamin C, zinc and other nutrients.

2. One of the easiest natural remedy is to keep your head elevated in position of your sleep.

3. You should keep yourself well hydrated as it will help you to recover faster. Blow your nose properly as it will help you and give you some relief. For this you should keep some tissues or clean handkerchief.

4. You can also practice jal neti as it will provide you some relief. It is the simple home remedy for this problem and by this you will avoid the problem related to your throat, ear, nose etc. But perform this regularly.

5. Taking steam is also an effective home remedy for stuffy nose. You can put some eucalyptus oil or capsules in the boiling water and inhale it by covering your head with a towel. Try to inhale deeply.

6. Drinking hot drinks like chicken soups, vegetable soups, tomato soups and lentil soups are very much effective in this problem. Herbal teas and tea brewed with spices are also effective in providing relief.

Different natural remedies for this problem are there which are effective in reducing the symptoms of stuffy nose.

Hope above home remedies will help you in getting relief from blocked or stuffy nose naturally.

Article Tags: Home Remedies, Stuffy Nose, Natural Remedy, Natural Remedies, Some Relief

Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen

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