The Correct Way to Clean Your Kitchen Tiles

Of all places in your home, you’ll be cleaning your kitchen the most frequently. Not only does your kitchen get the most foot traffic, but it can also be a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria and other unwanted pests. Your little ones will track dirt, mud, and grit from the outside without even mentioning all of the spills and stains that accompany having kids.

Your kitchen tiles may be durable but over time they will end up looking horribly stained. With the right technique and a little elbow grease, you can keep your kitchen floor looking great for years to come. How can we accomplish this on a regular basis? Let’s explore the best way to do this. With some helpful tips from the pros, we’ll have your kitchen tiles looking sparkly in no time.

Maintain the condition of your floors by sweeping daily.

Sweeping and/or vacuuming your kitchen floors will do more than just maintain your kitchen’s appearance. You’ll also keep the accumulation of dirt to a manageable level and make the mopping process go much quicker. If you forget to sweep before you mop, you’ll find that the loose dirt becomes much tougher to clean up. This process will become a time-consuming headache without doing this step first.

Ready yourself with the proper supplies and equipment.

Your kitchen can be host to a plethora of germs and contaminants. Fight back against these unwelcome guests with a supply of disinfectant. You can either invest in a store-bought disinfectant spray, such as Lysol, or you can concoct your own green cleaning supplies.

When it comes to the floor cleaner, we recommend a homemade solution of 1 part white vinegar and 3 parts warm water. Add a couple tablespoons or lime juice or essential oil for a refreshing scent. For tough stains, keep a soft-bristled scrubbing brush handy along with clean rags or microfiber cloth.

Of course, you’ll want to keep a mop bucket and mop handy for this project. To save yourself all sorts of time, use two mops when you clean. Keeping both mop heads clean at the start of the project, you’ll be able to clean more efficiently by alternating between the two. This will also help you conserve water instead of constantly rinsing and wringing the same mop head.

Fight back against tough stains.

After you finish sweeping, you’ll want to address any lingering stains before mopping. Attacking these stains first will help you save time and has the added effect of streamlining this whole process. The most effective way to remove stains on your tile would be to use a scouring powder with warm water.

If you’re looking for a great homemade scouring powder recipe, look no further. Grab an empty jar and mix baking soda, sodium borate (found in the laundry section of your local grocery store), and ground kosher salt in equal units. Shake well and apply to your stains liberally. Add water to the scouring powder and let the mix sit on the stain for about 10 minutes before scrubbing. Use your soft brush to work the stain over and then use your clean rag to dry. Repeat the process until the stain disappears fully.

Don’t forget the grout.

This may seem strange but you want to clean the area between your tiles before you mop. Grout is porous and absorbs the dirty water from your mop, which would negate all of your hard work if you allow it. At least once a month, you’ll want to scrub your grout.

The best mixture to clean your grout is natural and homemade. No fancy compounds here; just add warm water into a bowl filled with baking soda. Not exactly 50/50, but you’ll want to play with your formula until you end up with a thick and malleable paste. Apply this mixture directly to the grout and use your soft-bristle brush to thoroughly scrub the cracks between your tiles. Use a spray bottle with warm water to rinse off the paste and repeat the process if necessary.

The last step to maintaining your grout is to use a sealer. Grout sealers will protect the areas between your tiles from soaking up the dirty water from your mop and will also help from random spills soaking into your grout. You will want to use your grout sealer at least in between every 2-3 moppings.

It’s time to mop.

Now, onto the main task. Ready your mops, bucket, and floor cleaner. Fill up your mop bucket with warm water and add 2-3 cups of your cleaning solution. Start off by dipping a mop into your bucket and soaking the floor with the unwrung mop. Beginning in the corner farthest from your entranceway, mop thoroughly up until the entrance to your kitchen. Pay attention to getting the entire surface and in the cracks between the floor and the counters or appliances.

Depending on the state of your floors, you’ll want to pass the mop through again to soak up the dirt and grime. Finally, pass a clean and dry mop over your floor to fully remove the soap and water.

Just follow these steps regularly and you’ll have clean kitchen floors that the whole neighborhood will be jealous of. Your neighbors will ask you about which maid companyyou hired. You don't have to tell them you did it yourself.

Practicing good habits like sweeping regularly and cleaning your grouts will go a long way towards cutting your cleaning time in half.

The Correct Way to Clean Your Kitchen Tiles
The Correct Way to Clean Your Kitchen Tiles
The Correct Way to Clean Your Kitchen Tiles
The Correct Way to Clean Your Kitchen Tiles
The Correct Way to Clean Your Kitchen Tiles
The Correct Way to Clean Your Kitchen Tiles
The Correct Way to Clean Your Kitchen Tiles
The Correct Way to Clean Your Kitchen Tiles
The Correct Way to Clean Your Kitchen Tiles
The Correct Way to Clean Your Kitchen Tiles

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