Latest news from the world of kitchens
In the field of kitchen production news and innovations occur very often, as far as both materials and style are concerned.
Do you remember your grandmothers kitchen? The onewhere you used to have your afternoon tea while you were waiting for yourparents to come back from work? If you do, you will certainly remember alsothat that kitchen was very different from modern kitchens. But thanks to theconstant evolutions that have characterised and still characterise this sector,also your mothers kitchen, without going too much back in time, might appearas antique if compared to the models that you can see now on furniturecatalogues or stores.
From home appliances to the materials used to realisepieces of furniture and worktops, all the essential features of kitchens haveundergone many changes, becoming more and more functional and following currentfashion trends. Because a kitchen is not only supposed to be functional, butalso nice to see, and the innovations proposed by kitchen manufacturers mustalso meet the aesthetic, and not only practical needs of the people whopurchase them.
Let us start from materials: while wood is stillachieving success, because it is a sort of timeless material, which can fit withboth classical and modern style, many other materials have entered the world ofkitchen and are becoming more and more popular, from metal, which has gone outof the niche of industrial kitchens and can be used to realise also modern,elegant and customizable kitchens, to siporex, a light material used for fittedkitchens.
The most interesting innovations concern also style. Apartfrom classical kitchens, which are always appreciated, also other types ofkitchens are getting more and more popular: design, hypermodern and minimalkitchens, without handles or decorations, with a linear and essential style. Asfar as the composition and location of furniture and appliances are concerned,kitchens islands are vey appreciated, as they give a new dimension of space andare very functional as well.
Something must be said also about taps, hoods and allthose components that might seem to be secondary but which actually play a veryimportant role in defining the style of a kitchen. Forget about old hoods:nowadays many models of modern hoods are proposed and have a kind of futuristicdesign, which turn them into important pieces of furniture. Some kitchenmanufacturers have thought about something very original and createdretractable hoods or hoods with lamps. As for taps, the choice is very wide asfar as both materials and water exit modes are concerned: single-hole mixertaps, extractable shower heads that can be extended...also the sector of taps isconstantly evolving.
But the new models of kitchens do not only meet the aestheticaland functional needs of purchasers: they are also meant to give an answer tomore important and general questions. Many kitchen manufactures, for example,are launching on the market eco-friendly kitchens, realised with ecologicalwood or other recyclable materials and equipped with applianceswith alowenvironmental impact: another evidence of the fact that kitchens are constantlyevolving and can follow the trends and meet the needs of the epoch in whichthey are realised.

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