Benefits of Curtains over Blinds
Today, everyone wants to decorate their home.We do all things to make our home beautiful and attractive. If you are thinkingabout interior design of your home,
you know that windows are important part ofthe home and how you will cover that which looks good and gorgeous. Its noteasy task and you should not take this lightly. We can also use blinds forwindows but its not look that much good as compare to curtains. Because blindscan not give you that look and feels that curtains have. We are now going tosee some advantages of curtains over blinds.1. Curtains give visual stylishness to a room
If you see horizontal or vertical blinds theyonly cover the window and give very littlie to the gaze and feel of the roombut curtains their style and fitting give a different look. Curtainscome in different style and color. Light color is the famous color, it givesshine.
2. Increased fitting flexibility
Some of today's more modern windows and patiodoors open inwards leaving little space to fix. With curtain tracks that can be as small as 5mm andsome that can even be recess fixed into a ceiling, this will leave plenty ofroom for a window or door to open inwards.
3. Curtains provide insulation
Typically blinds are thin and offer minimalheat insulation to a room. Compare this with a lovely warm set of curtainswhich not only keep the heat inside but also cut draughts as they can hangbelow the window ledge, unlike blinds which stop just above the ledge. Curtainscan also be interlined with a thick material to add extra heat insulation.
4. Easy to keep clean
Blinds can be dust traps, especiallyhorizontal ones. As more people are suffering from asthma and dust allergies,curtains are a healthy choice, requiring little care to keep them clean andpresentable. The tracks and poles need little servicing and the curtains needonly be vacuumed or dry cleaned on the odd occasion.
Now, you can find the curtains easily withyour nearest shop or you can also check online websites that provides all thiskind of stuff. There are lots of online websites that provide online curtains, modernblinds, cushion covers etc.


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