Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen

In nasal congestion condition, you may have the feeling of stuffy nose and may give you the feeling of discomfort. Due to this you are not in a position to smell properly or eat in a normal way.

In the problem of nasal congestion, you may have the feeling of stuffy nose and may give you the feeling of discomfort. Due to this you are not in a position to smell properly or eat in a normal way. With the problem of nasal congestion you can't afford to eat with the mouth closed. Even this problem may result into severe types of breathing problems and also the complications of the respiratory system. Your sleep may also get disrupted with this problem.

It is said that the problem of congestion is due to the formation of excess mucous and phlegm. But in reality this is not the reason and the actual reason behind this is that this problem of congestion occurs when there is an inflammation in the lining of the nasal cavity which get inflamed due to the inflammation of the blood vessels. Due to this problem less volume of air is inhaled. In this problem a person suffer from stuffy nose which is due to the flu, common cold and sinus infections.

The problem of congestion can easily be treated with the help of natural remedies for nasal congestion. You can find many of the home remedies for nasal congestion in your kitchen itself. You can try these natural remedies for congestion first and if it is not so effective or the problem is severe then you may contact doctor to solve your problem. Some of the home remedies for nasal congestion are:

1. Carom (ajwain) seeds: For curing the problem of congestion it is one of the effective and simplest home remedy. You can take few seeds of ajwain seeds in a small cotton cloth and keep near the cover of your pillow.

2. You should include large quantities of vitamin C in your diet. Yellow vegetables and Citrus fruits are very much effective in treating the problem of congestion.

3. Cardamom seeds are also very helpful in treating the problem of congestion. For this you have to burn the seeds of 4-5 cardamom on hot coal and the patients suffering from the problem of nasal congestions are asked to breathe its smoke.

4. One of the best home remedy for nasal congestions is the black pepper. You can take 3-4 seeds of black pepper early in the morning or inhale its fume by burning them on fire.

Hope above home remedies will help you in getting relief from congestion naturally.

Article Tags: Home Remedies, Nasal Congestion

Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen

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