Ten Things To Remember While Renovating Your Kitchen
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KitchenRenovation can have the bestpossible results when it is planned. Therefore, it is important toplan the layout and design and choose carefully the materials thatare going to be used for improving the functionality and value of thehouse.
P margin-bottom: 0.21cm; A:linkRenovating the kitchencan be a time-consuming, demanding, yet enjoyable experience.Intelligent alterations to the layout and settings can improve thefunctionality and user-experience. It will also ensure a markedimprovement in the value of the property if the owner plans to sellthe house after some time. Here are some things to keep in mind whileplanning kitchen renovation.
TheQuality Of The Materials That Are Being Used Should Be Good
The cabinets and thedrawers that are going to be installed should be of good quality. Themeasurement and fittings should be perfect so that the cabinet hingesclose completely and the drawers do not get jammed. Moreover, thedesign should be such that the wood has enough space to expand andshrink according to the atmospheric humidity. It is best to avoiddrawers that are manufactured out of particleboard or those that havebeen stapled together. As far as the cabinet interiors are concerned,then it is better to opt for wood veneer than laminate, MDF, melamineor particleboard.
DetermineThe Heights Of The Cabinet
If the ceiling iseight-feet high, then it is best to choose cabinets that reach rightto the top. This way, the storage capacity is increased, and there isgreater wall space available for the installation of open shelves orartwork. If the height is greater than eight feet, then some amountof space, like 15 to 20 inches can be left as head space between thecabinets and the wall.
ChooseBetween Staining And Painting
Kitchen cabinets thathave been painted have an individual and unique look. The paint isalso durable and gives an additional protective layer to the woodsurface. Staining the surface is another option, but this kind ofsurface finishing wears off very quickly, and cannot be changed veryeasily either.
TheCounter-Top Should Be Elegant
Counter-tops areavailable in a variety of materials. Carrara marble that has beenacid washed or honed and finally sealed is a good option. Home ownerscan also opt for stained wood, Kirkstone slate, Wiarton limestone,soapstone, or plastic laminates with wooden edges to impart a warmand sophisticated look to their kitchens.
KitchenIslands Are Necessary Installations
While kitchen islandshelp in the better optimization of floor space, it is better toinstall one that is sleek, yet functional, rather than one that is alarge cube and hinders movement. It is best to keep it free fromclutter so that it can be used as a work station, or even a diningtable.
ItIs Best To Keep The Design Simple
Design accents likemoldings of plaster on the fronts of cabinets, or stoves withpediments over them represent decorative excesses. The style in thekitchen should be compatible with the rest of the decor in the house.
MaintenanceNightmares Are Best Avoided
Natural surfaces likeslate, brick, tumbled marble and Terracotta have an inherent texturewhich makes it very difficult to clean them. On the other hand,smooth surfaces with a white laminate counter, or ceramic flooringcan get dirty easily, although they are relatively easy to clean.Counter-tops made of stainless steel are difficult to maintain aswell. Therefore, it is best to choose a material that is easy toclean and maintain.
UseBasic Appliances Only
Too many appliances canresult in the kitchen looking rather crammed up. Therefore, it isbest to choose a set of gadgets and appliances that are extremelyessential. Moreover, their color and size should be in accordancewith the rest of the decor in the kitchen. For instance, a range ofcommercial stainless steel appliances can be used to replace separatecook tops and wall ovens, and thereby, utilize the space better.
TheDining Room Should Preferably Be Adjacent To The Kitchen
Clever designing, coupledwith appropriate furniture and lighting can help owners to alter thesetting of the room according to the occasion. It is preferable tohave a floor plan where the dining room is just adjacent to thekitchen so that it is easy to serve food and drinks. While renovatingthe kitchen, it is best to follow such a floor plan as it improvesfunctionality.
While renovating thekitchen, it is best if home makers can add a personal touch thatshows their signature style and personal preferences. It is best notto follow the model designs that are found in magazines and brochuresas they might just turn out to be boring after a point. It is alwaysgood to add a personal touch.
Kitchen renovation can beboth strenuous and rewarding. It is, therefore, best to have a clearplan of action and basic idea of the changes that need to beimplemented to achieve the best results.
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