Home Remedies For Bruises That You Can Find In Your Kitchen
Bruises are injuries that appear on the surface of the skin due to accidental bumping or falling. The capillaries get damaged and blood comes out or gets accumulated near the affected area.
Bruises are injuries that appear anywhere on the surface of the skin due to accidental bumping or falling. The capillaries get damaged and blood comes out or gets accumulated near the bruised area. The layer under the skin and next to the blood vessels gets damaged, and the color of the skin is initially red, but gradually changes to brown or black or yellowish green, and one experiences great pain.Related
One of the simplest home remedies for bruises would be to mix cayenne pepper with Vaseline in the ratio 1:5. This can be applied over the bruises for relieving the pain.
Vitamin C helps in thickening the blood, and consumption of vitamin tablets can help the bruises to heal quickly. Vitamin K or alfalfa especially helps in blood clotting, so it can be taken in the form of tablets. A salad with a combination of lettuce, broccoli and spinach is also rich in Vitamin K. This is sure to make the blood vessels stronger.
Comfrey plant has great medicinal properties. Its leaves can also be placed on the bruised or sprained area, and plastered on it. These fresh leaves can be changed everyday for faster results.
The common vegetable, cabbage, which has anti-inflammatory properties can be tied with the help of gauze bandage over the affected area, and can be changed everyday to give amazing results.
Witch Hazel astringent drops can be added to the bath water, as it is very soothing for the pain. For the marks to disappear quickly, crushed parsley can be applied on the bruises.
Lemon is rich in Vitamin C. It can either be applied externally or lemon juice can be taken to heal the body internally for reducing the pain.
One of the age-old home remedies for bruises has been to take warm milk mixed with turmeric. This immediately reduces the pain.

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