How to Change a Rooms Dimension using Wall Pictures

The Basic Role of Pictures Wall art plays an ... role in interior design as it helps create the ambience of a room. By cleverly placing wall pictures in certain ways, you can change and create a

The Basic Role of Pictures

Wall art plays an important role in interior design as it helps create the
ambience of a room. By cleverly placing wall pictures in certain ways,
you can change and create a new look and feel in a room.

The role wall pictures play in interior design are:-

pictures, mirrors or other ornamental accessories on walls help make
the room look 'lived in' and they also inject your personality into the room;

color pictures and prints help connect with the rooms accent;

pictures help absorb noise in a room, otherwise a room with totally
bare walls will sound empty and will have an echo;

pictures and prints can help enhance or change a room's 'look and feel'.

How to Lengthen a Room

If you have a small room in your house, you can easily achieve the illusion
of length. This can be done in two ways. If you like bold statements
then simply paint a couple of horizontal lines in a bold color across
the middle of the wall in which you want to lengthen. These lines then
naturally create the illusion of increased length in the room. An
alternative way to do this, and a more subtle way, is to use pictures.

By strategically placing art pictures or photographs with any kind of
strong horizontal line in the print, can accomplish the illusion of length.

For example, if you chose two or three long rectangular pictures with
horizontal panoramic prints such as ocean & beach pictures, fields, or
scenic mountain pictures, then this will help extend the length of the
room naturally.

Two, three or more of these horizontal landscape pictures will give
the maximum impact you are looking for to help lengthen a small room.
Also bear in mind not to overdo the room with furniture. Too much
clutter makes a room appear smaller.

How to Broaden a Narrow Room

If you have a room which is a bit on the narrow side, there is a simple
strategy to make the room appear broader. All you need is a tin of paint,
a wall mirror and a large colorful wall picture.

Get your tin of paint, which should preferably be a darker contrasting
color to your other walls, and paint one of the walls with this darker
paint. Find a colorful and lively large painting and hang it on the
wall you have just painted - colorful flower pictures are ideal for this.
On the wall adjacent to your picture, hang a decorative large mirror.
What has happened here is that the mirror reflects on the large picture,
and the additional darker color on the wall has immediately given the
room some much-needed depth. This combination will then make the room
appear wider.

By adding these simple additions to your narrow room, you have instantly
created a balance in the room's dimensions giving the sensation of
additional space.

How to Heighten a Low Ceiling

Rooms with low ceilings give an oppressive feeling, whereas rooms with
a high ceiling give a light and airy feel with a large amount of space.
To overcome the problem of a low ceiling, there are a couple of
interior design strategies to use.

First of all put down a darker floor covering, whether it be a wooden
floor, carpet or lino. Paint the walls with a lighter color than the
floor, or use light colored wallpaper. If you can, use white paint
for the ceiling as this always gives the room maximum light and instantly
draws the eyes upwards.

Hang up wall pictures with strong vertical lines as this then gives
the impression of height. Use portrait prints such as vertical landscapes,
i.e. lighthouses, trees, cityscapes, or floral prints such as flowers
in a vertical vase or tall long stem roses. Therefore, by combining
the dark floor, light walls and ceiling and portraits prints, all
adds to the sense of height in a room.


Art pictures and prints play an important role in home decorating
for several reasons. They do not only reflect and put your own
personality into the room, but they can also help as a solution
to change the look and feel of a room by giving the illusion of
height, width and length. This can easily be achieved by combining
wall pictures, contrasting colors and decorative mirrors.
How to Change a Rooms Dimension using Wall Pictures

How to Change a Rooms Dimension using Wall Pictures
How to Change a Rooms Dimension using Wall Pictures
How to Change a Rooms Dimension using Wall Pictures
How to Change a Rooms Dimension using Wall Pictures
How to Change a Rooms Dimension using Wall Pictures
How to Change a Rooms Dimension using Wall Pictures
How to Change a Rooms Dimension using Wall Pictures
How to Change a Rooms Dimension using Wall Pictures
How to Change a Rooms Dimension using Wall Pictures

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