Home Remedies For Snoring That You Can Find In Your Kitchen
Snoring can formally not be termed as a disease, but it could prove to be painful and expensive if left neglected. It has led a lot of married couples over the world to end their relationships.
Snoring can formally not be termed as a disease, but it could prove to be very painful and expensive if left neglected. It has led a lot of couples over the world to end their relationships.Related
Another factor to note is that as people advance in age, their muscle tone decreases. This explains the reason for snoring in old people. People with sinus problems too have blocked noses and snore very often. Also, having an incorrect posture during sleeping too causes snoring.
Excessive snoring should be checked for Sleep Apnea, whereby the person suffers from acute sleep disorder and has to get up several times during the night as he feels out of breath, and gasps for air as oxygen is blocked. This lack of sleep leads to headaches, uneasiness and irritation during the day. The drowsiness also increases the risk of accidents.
The first one would be for obese people to shed a little weight by changing their lifestyle and indulging themselves in physical activities and exercises. This will reduce the weight along the chest, and will allow free passage of air through the nose and throat resulting in sound sleep without any snoring. Eating light food, and cutting on oily and junk foods and aerated drinks should be followed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Smoking and drinking should be strictly avoided as this relaxes the muscles and causes snoring.
The nasal passage should be kept clear by cleaning it with nasal sprays. This allows free passing of air through the nose and reduces snoring.
The easiest of all home remedies for snoring would be to sleep on one's sides, as sleeping flat on the back causes one to snore. One could also sleep on one's stomach. Some special pillows are available in the markets that are made only for snorers. These provide great relief.
Tranquilizers and sleeping pills should be avoided as these relax the nasal muscles, and are the main reasons for sleep with snoring.
One of the simplest home remedies for snoring would be to raise the bed on the side where the snorer places his head. This can be raised by 3-4 inches by placing a brick or a towel under the bed. The jaw of the snorer is pushed forward and stops the snoring. One could also place an extra pillow under his head to achieve the same result. For some people, sleeping without pillows gives the desired result.
Taking about one spoon of olive oil before going to bed also helps in reducing snoring. Whole milk and certain dairy products that cause mucous should be avoided to prevent snoring.

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