The Advantages of Blinds and Interior Shutters
Blindsand interior shutters are two different types of window coverings. They havetheir similarities but in others ways are very different. Each have their ownadvantages as well as some benefits that are common to both blinds andshutters.
Blinds and interior shutters are two different types ofwindow coverings. They have their similarities but in others ways are verydifferent. Blinds are the cheaper option but shutters are generally consideredmore elegant and aesthetically pleasing. Each have their own advantages as wellas some benefits that are common to both blinds and shutters.
The Advantages of Blinds
As already mentioned, blinds are cheaper than shutters.Depending on the type required, blinds can be an option for those looking for alow cost window covering. Due to the cost, replacing them is inexpensive. Theyare also simple to install; anyone with basic DIY skills can buy some blindsand put them up themselves. Maintaining blinds is easy.
Due to the advantages they have they are often used inoffices. This is partly due to the low cost and the easy maintenance. They fitin a professional office atmosphere better than curtains do. One of the reasonsis the adjustability they offer as they can be adjusted to block sunlight withoutstaff having to sit in a dark room during the day.
There are many options with blinds. You can almost alwaysfind some that suit the interior of any building, with them coming in manycolours and many materials. They are available in wood, plastic and otherfabrics.
The Advantages of Interior Shutters
For many, the look of interior shutters is what makes them special. They are considered elegant and are customisable.Most window shutter providers will design and manufacture shutters specificallyto a customers requirements, so you have a real choice in how your shutterslook. This gives more options than with the off-the-shelf options that are morecommon with blinds and curtains.
So there are aesthetic advantages of shutters, but also manypractical benefits. They can help home owners save on energy. They are verystudy due to being made with good quality, thick wood, which when closed keepsthe heat in. They are also extremely long lasting, more so than any otherwindow covering. They often come with a lifetime guarantee so there is no needto worry about needing to have them replaced at a later date.
Both blinds and shutters have individual benefits, but thereare also advantages that apply to both. Both are adjustable, allowing for theoptimum amount of light and air to be let into the room. By having blinds orshutters closed with the slats/louvres open it allows for privacy while notcompletely blocking out sunlight. With curtains you would have to choosebetween one or the other. In the summer this adjustability means that a roomcan be kept cool, with the window being open with the blinds/shutters closedbut the slats/louvres open. A final advantage is that both are very easy toclean. When curtains need cleaning they need to be taken down and machine orhand washed, then left to dry before they can be hung up again. When cleaningblinds or shutters they simply need to be wiped down with a damp cloth.
Andrew Marshall

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