Decorating Your Kitchen For New Year

The New Year is the day thatscripts the time of the beginning of a new calendar year. With the arrival of NewYear each individual gets busy to decorate his or her home in the best possibleway to welcome their guests. New Year decorations are one of the important partsof New Year celebrations.

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Though the New Year decorations are more focused towards dining and living room, the other areas of the house should not be ignored. Sometimes it can get boring to have the same dcor everyday. Though the other portions of the house like kitchen do not demand detailed decoration plans, but there are simple ways in which you can decorate your kitchen well. Small and few changes can have a great effect on how your kitchen looks.Below we are going to discuss some tips which may help you decorate your kitchen for New Year.


Before you start yourdecorations, plan a theme for kitchen decoration. There is plethora of themesto select from. Some of the common New Year themes include color theme, wherethere is a remarkable use of a particular color or group of colors. Shades ofwhite, blue and silver are popular New Year colors that are used fordecoration. Sparkles and glitters are used to add flair to decorations and heatthe spirit of New Year. Apart from color theme there are other themes like, toytheme, star theme, angels theme and many more. You can also use your thoughtsand imaginations to come up with your own theme. While decorating the kitchenfor New Year, take care that the theme of the kitchen is in sync with the themeof the house and other dcor.

The most important part of thekitchen that can be decorated well is the kitchen table. A well decorated tablefacilitates in setting the perfect mood and ambience for New Year. Place a nicetable cloth teamed with a table runner, mats and napkins. Use table cloth,either based on the theme of the house or use colors of the cloth like shadesof blue, silver and white. Try to use bit low profiled prints of the tablecloth in order to keep the attention focused on the centerpiece and otherembellishments on the table.

Once the table cloth and tablerunner are finalized, you can have other embellishments and decorative itemsplaced in the center of the kitchen table. To provide an extravagant look toyour table and kitchen, you can use a beautiful centerpiece depending on thesize of the table. You can place real as well as artificial flowers to decorateyour table. A champagne bottle with nice glasses around is also an amazing optionto decorate your kitchen table.

You can use floating candlesblended well with flowers and petals decorations in a crystal glass or vase andplace it either on the table or platform or any other area from where it iseasily visible but cannot be disturbed.

New Year decoration is incompleteif it is not combined with balloons. You can use bunch of balloons and place itall around the kitchen and on the doors and windows.

Candles are never outdated. Youcan use different candle arrangements as per your choice in the center of thetable with a small vase of flowers in between.

To cheer the celebration mood ofnew year aroma candles can be placed all around the kitchen

One of the most popular New Yeardecorations is use of jingle bells. You can put some small pretty jingle bellsand hang them on the roof of the kitchen, kitchen cupboard handles and on thedoors of fridge and other electronic items.

To outperform kitchen decoration,you can add new paintings and wall hangings in the room as it adds grace to thehouse and surrounding areas.

You can also decorate the cabinethandles with ornaments and other decorative items like bells, ribbons andballoons. While decorating the doors that are frequently used by you, try toavoid decorating them with fragile ornaments like glass.

You can also decorate yourrefrigerator with ornaments like bells, hangings, wreaths and garlands.

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Decorating Your Kitchen For New Year
Decorating Your Kitchen For New Year
Decorating Your Kitchen For New Year
Decorating Your Kitchen For New Year
Decorating Your Kitchen For New Year
Decorating Your Kitchen For New Year
Decorating Your Kitchen For New Year
Decorating Your Kitchen For New Year
Decorating Your Kitchen For New Year
Decorating Your Kitchen For New Year

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