Step Number One When You Install Kitchen Cabinets
The very first thing that you should do before you install kitchen cabinets in your new kitchen is to make sure your four foot level is accurate. Remember that a level is your number one tool that you are going to use in the installation.
It is my suggestion that if you have a rental store nearby, make a trip and rent a laser level for this step of the process. By renting a laser level, it will give you the very best level line possible.
Setting up the laser is an easy process, and once you have established the correct height, you can just transfer the level line onto your walls. To establish a reference point, mark the laser line at all of the inside and outside corners of the walls.
You can then go around and connect all of the laser marks that you transferred with a chalk line. Make sure though that you follow this next step. Pull the chalk line as tight as possible to make sure that the line is not sagging in the middle. Line sagging is the number one reason for the cabinets to be installed incorrectly. After you have snapped the lines using your chalk box, go back with the laser level and double check the chalk lines.
If it is not possible for you to obtain a laser level, you can use the four foot level as well. But, you will need to be extra careful here and pay close attention to detail to ensure that the lines that you draw are accurate.
So, once you have determined the high point of the floor, you can measure up thirty four and a half inches at the high point and use your level to draw the lines around the kitchen. Grab the help of an assistant for this part of the job and have them hold the other end of the level while you draw out the lines.
After you have finished drawing the lines around the kitchen, flip the level end for end and reverse what you have just done. You will know when you return to the beginning if the level is accurate. If you make it back to the opposite end of the kitchen and the lines are still mathced up, you will know for sure that the level is accurate. You will need to obtain an accurate level if the lines do not match up.
This is the reason why I suggest that if at all possible you rent a laser level, or borrow one from a neighbor. The lines will be perfectly level by utilizing a laser level, and this is the reason that I highly suggest that you use one. This step is just like the foundation of any structure or building. Without a level and flat line, the entire installation process will be compromised.
Article Tags: Laser Level

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