Kitchen furniture: the trends of 2012

2011 has just ended, and it is time to understand what are the trends of 2012 as far as kitchen furniture are concerned.


Furniture, exactly like clothes, shoes andaccessories, are subjected to fashion and trends, which vary year after year.Cyclically kitchen, living room and bedroom furniture manufacturers try tobring a breath of fresh air and introduce new ideas and solutions to furnisheach room trying to combine aesthetic and functionality.

Certainly the classic style, just as happens in thefield of fashion, never fades and is a sort of certainty for those who lovethis type of furniture; nonetheless also innovations and new trends arepresented every day, and are necessary to keep this sector alive. Moreover, ithas to be highlighted that one of the latest trends in the sector of furnitureand kitchens in particular, is that of combining classic elements and materialsto other types of features. In this way also the classic style gets renovatedwhile maintaining its charm.

But now lets speak about the other trends andnovelties in the field of kitchens. Since 2011 has just ended, indeed, it istime to have a look at the new ideas for 2012. Lets begin with colours:colours certainly play an important role for the choice of house furniture, andwhen you choose a colour instead of another one you need to consider not onlyyour personal tastes, but also the style you want to give to your house, thespace you have at your disposal and tons of other variables. A too brightcolour might not match other features of the house, for example, and too darkpieces of furniture might not be good in a too small or not very bright room.White might be an excellent solution, as it can make a room brighter and adaptto different styles and situations, form modern to masonry kitchens. No wonderthat white will be one of the most fashionable colours in 2012, but keep inmind mind that there is not just one white! Also this colour-non-colour, indeed,can have thousands shades and variants, from white with bluish shades to offwhite. And even more important, white is a colour that can match both modernand classic styles, and can be considered as a sort of passe-partout.

As far as the architecture of kitchens is concerned,the 2012 trend is a certain dissolution of the boundaries between kitchen andliving room: the kitchen, indeed, is not only the room where you eat and cook;it is a room where you can do many other activities. This means that the furnitureof kitchens and living room are bound to become more and more similar to eachother, as far as both style and materials are concerned.

As for materials, the trend of this year iscombination: different materials, like wood and steel, for example, arecombined very often, and one of the most fashionable combination is dark woodand white, modern materials. Another interesting combination includes stainlesssteel which is not considered as a material that can be used only forindustrial kitchens anymore and glass, which is going to be more and moreused to realise various kitchen features.

Kitchen furniture: the trends of 2012
Kitchen furniture: the trends of 2012
Kitchen furniture: the trends of 2012
Kitchen furniture: the trends of 2012
Kitchen furniture: the trends of 2012
Kitchen furniture: the trends of 2012
Kitchen furniture: the trends of 2012
Kitchen furniture: the trends of 2012
Kitchen furniture: the trends of 2012
Kitchen furniture: the trends of 2012

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