The First Step To Install Kitchen Cabinets

The very first thing that you should do before you install kitchen cabinets in your new kitchen is to make sure your four foot level is accurate. Making sure that your level is calibrated corrctly will insure an accurate installation.

It is my suggestion that if you have a rental store nearby, make a trip and rent a laser level for this step of the process. This is going to give you the most accurate level line to start off with.

Once you get the level set up, you can then transfer the laser mark on the walls at the corners of the kitchen and go from there. Now, go to the inside and outside corners of the walls and place a mark where the laser line is visible on the wall.

Using a chalk line in the next step, snap lines in between these marks on the wall. The next step is one that you should pay attention to. You will need to make sure that you pull the line as tight as possible here. It is possible that the line will sag in the middle of the wall, and this will guard against that. You can go back over the chalk lines to make sure they are level by usinf the laser level again.

A four foot level will work just as well here if you do not have access to a laser level. But, you will need to be extra careful here and pay close attention to detail to ensure that the lines that you draw are accurate.

After you have determined the high point of the floor, you can go ahead and draw the level lines around the walls. If at all possible, have someone else help you with holding the other end of the level while you level it up and draw the level lines along the walls.

After you have finished drawing the lines around the kitchen, flip the level end for end and reverse what you have just done. If your four foot level is not accurate, this is where you will be able to tell. If the lines are matching up, then you can be assured that the level is accurate. You will need to obtain an accurate level if the lines do not match up.

This is the reason why I suggest that if at all possible you rent a laser level, or borrow one from a neighbor. It will save you some time at the beginning stages of the installation, but it will be the very best way to give you level lines to start with. This step is just like the foundation of any structure or building. This is where you need to pay close attention to detail.

Article Tags: Laser Level, Level Lines

The First Step To Install Kitchen Cabinets
The First Step To Install Kitchen Cabinets
The First Step To Install Kitchen Cabinets
The First Step To Install Kitchen Cabinets
The First Step To Install Kitchen Cabinets
The First Step To Install Kitchen Cabinets
The First Step To Install Kitchen Cabinets
The First Step To Install Kitchen Cabinets
The First Step To Install Kitchen Cabinets
The First Step To Install Kitchen Cabinets

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