Home Remedies For Sinus Infection Right From Your Kitchen

Sinus infection is the result of blockage in airspaces between the bones in the face, around the nose and eyes. The symptoms could be nasal discharge, pain in the eyes, headache, and fever.

Sinus infection is the result of blockage in airspaces between the bones in the face, usually around the nose and eyes. The symptoms could be nasal discharge, pain in the eyes, headache, and even fever. When the sinuses are swollen, the respiratory tract gets blocked resulting in trapping the mucus, which causes infection and irritation, and also makes breathing difficult. Some people even develop cough, soreness in the throat, bad breath and disturbed stomachs, as some of the infection passes from the nose to the throat and then to the stomach. In cases when the nose is swollen, it becomes painful to wear glasses.

There are thankfully more home remedies for sinus infection than people know of already, and these can provide quick relief to those suffering from the pain and irritation.

Ibuprofen can reduce the headaches and fever caused due to sinus infection, and is hence one of the most recommended remedies.

It is necessary to maintain hygiene, and the clothes, towels and bed linen of the affected person must be kept clean at all times.

Milk, cheese and wheat should be avoided as they aggravate the sinus problem. Other foods that cause allergies, thus causing sinus infection, must be identified and refrained from.

A big bowl of hot water can be used for getting good steam. The head can be covered with a thick towel, and steam can be inhaled for about 15-20 minutes to clear the respiratory tracks of all the trapped mucus. A hot compress can also be placed on the nose to provide relief, as the heat will help the mucus to escape and soothe the nerves. Moreover, a good hot shower unblocks all the respiratory tracks.

A bath in a tub filled with warm water with eucalyptus oil added to it is truly heavenly, as it relaxes the headache and all other pains related to sinus. This is surely one of the best home remedies for sinus infection.

Drinking warm tea, prepared by mixing ginger is again one of the most excellent home remedies for sinus infection. Ginger paste can also be applied on the forehead, as its herbal properties act magically in decongesting the nostrils and providing relief.

Apple cider vinegar is good to drink during sinus problems. Otherwise it can also be added to a vessel of boiling water and the steam can be inhaled for quick relief.

Many good nasal sprays are available in the market, which help to reduce inflammation, and thus lessen the blockage in the nose by letting the mucus pass freely. This greatly reduces headaches and irritation. Humidifiers can be used in winters to prevent cold and the resulting sinus infection caused from it.

Rest is advised during sinus infection as moving about and bending the head to do any work causes pain and discomfort.

In severe cases, when the eyelids become swollen and exhausted, accompanied by stiffness in the cheeks and the neck, the patient should immediately be rushed to the doctor before anything fatal (like meningitis) happens, which may cause severe damage to the brain and leads to coma.

Home Remedies For Sinus Infection Right From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Sinus Infection Right From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Sinus Infection Right From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Sinus Infection Right From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Sinus Infection Right From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Sinus Infection Right From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Sinus Infection Right From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Sinus Infection Right From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Sinus Infection Right From Your Kitchen
Home Remedies For Sinus Infection Right From Your Kitchen

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