Custom Interior Doors Design Tips for Your Home

For an affordable way to dramatically change the appearance of a room, custom interior doors can provide the improvement you're seeking. Not only are they trendy, but they can be useful as well.

Custom interior doors can do a lot to transform the overall impact or mood of a room. They can also adjust the level of privacy within your home, help draw attention towards or away from specific features, or make a space more functional. Most people don't realize how much of a difference this addition can make. In fact, a well-made door can even become the focal point that influences the rest of the room design. Here are a few tips on possible trends and designs available.

1. Ease of Use

Nobody enters or exits a room the same way due to the single direction of most hinges. What if the hinge could be made to swing out two ways, outwards as well as inwards? Two-way custom interior doors do just that, and they're not only stylish, but can be beneficial for the disabled. If space is tight, mobility is greatly decreased when the door must be swung into the room to exit. By allowing it to be swung outwards, it is much easier to move through the doorway.

2. Light

Bringing more natural light into a room can greatly expand and brighten it. Glass custom interior doors or accent windows can bring in that sunshine, warming up the space. Full length glass is ideal for areas that lead to a garden or balcony, while smaller windows work well when facing towards the front of the home. If privacy is a concern, frosting can be used to obscure the view or tinted film can be installed. Glass with tint is also a great way to reduce heating and cooling bills as it helps regulate the temperature, and protects furniture and floors from UV rays.

3. Sliding

Few people install a sliding door anywhere except for the shower or a backyard, but there's no rulebook that says a living room or even a kitchen can't be equipped with one. They're space-savers, noise softeners, and can help to merge two separate rooms into one larger space. They also can come in a variety of styles including wood, metal, and glass.

4. Hidden

Rather than draw attention to a certain area of your room, by downplaying custom interior doors, you can help bring focus elsewhere. Hiding or camouflaging an entrance can add a touch of whimsy and mystery to your home. Objects can be used such as grandfather clocks to conceal a secret exit. Or, the design can be blended in to match almost seamlessly with the rest of the walls.

5. Bold

If you would rather bring attention to your custom interior doors, there are plenty of bold and vibrant designs that can be created. A single strip of colored glass can be laid against a contrasting border color. Glass can be etched with colorful or monochromatic designs that highlight the rest of the dcor. Metal accents make unexpected patterns that reflect a modern aesthetic. Or perhaps you just want a material to match a theme, such as a bamboo surface to go with a tropical look.
Custom Interior Doors Design Tips for Your Home
Custom Interior Doors Design Tips for Your Home
Custom Interior Doors Design Tips for Your Home
Custom Interior Doors Design Tips for Your Home
Custom Interior Doors Design Tips for Your Home
Custom Interior Doors Design Tips for Your Home
Custom Interior Doors Design Tips for Your Home
Custom Interior Doors Design Tips for Your Home
Custom Interior Doors Design Tips for Your Home
Custom Interior Doors Design Tips for Your Home

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