Prevention and Remedy of a Clogged Kitchen Sink

One of the most common places at home where homeowners find clogs is the kitchen sink. This is one of the most common problems which New Orleans plumbers get called out for. Since the kitchen sink is ...

One of the most common places at home where homeowners find clogs is the kitchen sink. This is one of the most common problems which New Orleans plumbers get called out for. Since the kitchen sink is one of the most used sinks at home, it is no surprise that it is usually affected and most of the time homeowners panic because they do not know what to do about the problem.

Cause of Kitchen Sink Clogs

The kitchen sink has a pipe for the drain and like an artery inside the body; it could get clogged and caused more damage to the sink itself. The kitchen is where the dishes are washed and most of the time; leftover foods are still sticking to the plates when they are washed. These small bits and pieces make up the clog of food that can prevent liquid from draining properly. Although the food particles are small, they can accumulate and with all the oil and fat to build one large solid clog. When this happens it would be hard for the liquid to pass through the pipes

Preventing Kitchen Sink Clogs

Although food is the major cause of the clogs in the pipes in the kitchen, the soap which is used to wash the dishes could also worsen the problem by corroding the pipes itself. This corrosion could lead to bits and pieces of the pipe to block the pipe itself. With this, New Orleans plumbers advise home owners not to use soap which could be too harsh for the pipes. In addition to this, hot water could also help in preventing the formation of clogs by melting and preventing the oil to form one big clog. This could be done regularly to prevent the clog formation due to the oil. Another way to prevent clogs is to use a screen to prevent bits and pieces of food from going down the drain. This screen will catch the food particles and homeowners can now throw these pieces of food in the trash can.

Dealing with Kitchen Sink Clogs

When there is already a clog formed in the kitchen sink, it does not mean that pipes have to be replaced because there are still things that could be done. One of the ways to remedy this problem is to use a drain stake. This will help locate the clog and push it out. Once this is done, hot water should be used to flush the drain. Another way is to use an eco-friendly chemical to help remove the clog. Although there are many products on the market which could be used to remove the clog, some of them may be too harsh for the pipe itself.

If all else fail, then you can call the local New Orleans plumber. Sometimes plumbers advise their customers to call the plumbers immediately whenever they have problems with their piping system because some homeowners do further damage to their pipes when they try to remedy them. Instead of a simple remedy, some piping systems are so badly damaged that the plumbers need to replace the whole thing.

Article Tags: Kitchen Sink

Prevention and Remedy of a Clogged Kitchen Sink
Prevention and Remedy of a Clogged Kitchen Sink
Prevention and Remedy of a Clogged Kitchen Sink
Prevention and Remedy of a Clogged Kitchen Sink
Prevention and Remedy of a Clogged Kitchen Sink
Prevention and Remedy of a Clogged Kitchen Sink
Prevention and Remedy of a Clogged Kitchen Sink
Prevention and Remedy of a Clogged Kitchen Sink
Prevention and Remedy of a Clogged Kitchen Sink
Prevention and Remedy of a Clogged Kitchen Sink

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