Answer to Problem with Kitchen Ants
You wake up one morning and it just happens. Not the thing you want to see before your first cup of coffee, your kitchen is now crawling with hundreds of little black ants.
Two important places that should always be in good condition is the bathroom, and the kitchen, but what happens when there's a problem like ants in your kitchen? What should be done to get rid of them? The first thing to do is check where the ants are coming from, and how are they getting into the kitchen. Make sure that absolutely everything in the kitchen is wiped down and it's sealed properly, afterall, ants are attracted to food naturally, especially sweets.
After wiping down the counters and shelves, and if the ants are still there, then it's time to find a way to get rid of the ants from the kitchen. The good thing about getting rid of them is that there are several solutions available that can keep ants at bay. For the environmentally conscious, there are also ways that don't involve chemicals or toxins. If there are no concerns about using chemical sprays to kill ants, then using a good spray like Raid, or Hotshot will quickly and easily do the trick. Clear off everything from the counters and the shelves that are to be sprayed, and make sure that they're wiped down. Then apply the spray to the affected areas and wait. Once the ants are dead, then remove them from the kitchen, and once again, clean the areas thoroughly to remove all traces of the spray since it is a chemical. Afterwards, place everything back in the the shelves and on the counters, then you're done. If using chemicals makes you feel uncomfortable, then there are several, natural alternatives out there at your disposal.
There are two main methods of getting rid of ants spraying or baiting them.
There are several advantages to using liquid ant bait vs. ant sprays:
- Baits have the benefit of the insect voluntarily ingesting the toxin, so less toxic material is needed than when using a surface spray.
- They aren't airborne, so you, your pets or plants won't be exposed to the toxin through "accidental drift."
- If spilled, you can easily clean the surface with liquid detergent/dish soap.
- The ants come to you instead of you trying to get it to them.
- It's a mobile insecticide. Ants bring the bait back to their nest - this is their secret hiding place that you can't reach. And when they get home, they share the poison with their friends and family.
- The "palatability factor" - in a liquid form, it's extremely attractive to the ants and is easily eaten and digested.
- It doesn't have the potential to backfire and cause the nest to move to another location in the house. You always run this risk when spraying a group of ants.
- You're solving a symptom with a spray, but you're curing the disease with a bait.
Another great way to dispose of your ant problem in the kitchen is chalk. Maybe it's an ingredient in chalk, but ants will not cross it. This one may be a little tricky depending on what type of flooring, and countertops are in the kitchen, because it doesn't work on all surfaces. Last, if you have exhausted all of your options, and the ants are still in the kitchen then you may have a serious problem, and would have to call an exterminator. They can do a more thorough search of your home to determine how bad it really is and use stronger chemicals that will wipe out the problem completely.
For assistance needed to control this pest, check out our main page here:
auckland ant control, ant control northshore

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